Kenny joined the United States Marine Corp in 2002 and served four years as an 0311 (Infantry) during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Returning to North Carolina after leaving the military, he has been a strong asset within his local recreational sports leagues. Playing for the NC warriors hockey team and playing golf with other veterans through the Fairways for Warriors organization, Kenny has kept himself at the forefront of the veteran community.
Kenny is a regular representative of the Fairways for Warriors chapter located in Raleigh, NC who is proud to serve combat wounded veterans and their families in Central North Carolina. Organizations like this one including his attendance with his hockey team were hard to come by during and after his deployment. Many veterans during this timeframe and earlier were stuck dealing with the VA upon separation or medical retirement and didn't have any groups or organizations to attend/receive the support they needed.
Kenny has made it a mission of his to help support other veterans within the North Carolina local communities benefiting other brave men and women who have fought against the global war on terror. If you are looking for a great organization or would like to read more about Fairways for Warriors and see what chapters are near you, check out the link below to their website.